“Like others we will energy demand is obviously much greater from technology, but from scaling up, have to import green than that will satisfy. Like others we will which means creating demand. The have to import green hydrogen, which first public-private partnership to create hydrogen, which I am I am convinced will become a traded hydrogen demand in Germany began in convinced will become commodity. That requires international 2009 with the creation of H2Mobility. standards like a legal definition of Private companies and government came a traded commodity.” clean hydrogen. We need international together then to create a national network interventions beyond definitions, though. of hydrogen refuelling stations. This Quotas for sustainable aviation and public-private initiative has since evolved The technology we need is available, marine fuels are possible, for example. into a private copayat is building but now we need to scale up and International cooperation is key. and operating the stations. commercialize through an integrated approach. Take Germany’s automotive EM: In 2018 Germany, Australia, “Public-private industry, for example. The transition and the EC added clean hydrogen to electrified drive trains with batteries to the international platform Mission partnerships will be and fuel cells must be supported by a Innovation, which supports private essential to innovation transformed supply sector capable of sector R&D. How should governments providing the necessary technology. and companies work together to and policy, and to the Integration is the goal of Germany’s innovate? creation of markets.” 2020 National Hydrogen Strategy. KB: When we started Mission On the supply side, it supports green Innovation we debated the need for hydrogen production, and on demand, the organization, but realized it is Another example is H2Global, a it’s about individual consumption, but essential to give visibility to all activities foundation with private investors. It will also about the sum of all applications, in hydrogen innovation, and to facilitate be tendering the production of hydrogen including decarbonizing industry, and exchange between various actors. We at a defined cost, and telling potential hydrogen in the transportation system. also had clear commercialization targets offtakers how much will be available. Any in mind. Going forward, public-private deficiency in H2Global’s income from EM: What else must be done, for partnerships will be essential to innovation sales will be offset by public money. example on regulation? and policy, and to the creation of KB: As part of the National Hydrogen markets. That will help de-risk the scaling-up of Strategy we defined a target of 5GW hydrogen markets and production, and of electrolyzer capacity by 2030, based But despite the importance of innovation, is a good example of the very important on renewable energies, but German the main cost reduction will not come role public-private partnerships can play. 19